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NHS Networks

  • What is NHS Networks?

NHS Networks allows you to

Create and manage a network or community of interest. Take part in discussion forums, share knowledge and good practice including videos and presentations. Get news, views and information about events.

For more information, please contact:

NHS Networks is a free resource for anyone working in or with the health and care sector to use to share information, network with others and keep up to date with news. It is managed and funded by Primary Care Commissioning Community Interest Company (PCC).

    PCC is an independent, not-for-profit social enterprise that supports the development of health and care services; providing specialist advice with a focus on primary care, events, flexible expert support, and personal and team development services.

    For information on how PCC can support you visit www.pcc-cic.org.uk or contact enquiries@pcc-cic.org.uk

Create a network

  • Set up and maintain a network

Set up and maintain an NHS Network

The network creation wizard enables a new network to be created within minutes. Test-drive our demonstration network to try out the network administration and content management features of the site.

See our help section for more details.

Manage content

  • Manage content and membership

Manage you network content and membership

The network administrator toolbox allows you to add content to your network and manage membership.

See our help section for more details.

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You can also receive a newsletter every Friday containing a summary of the week's news.

PCC support

Primary care in focus

Primary care is at the heart of this edition of PCC Insight. More ›


Is conflict between staff and organisations increasing in the health and care system?

1. Yes
87% (65 votes)
2. No
13% (10 votes)

Welcome to NHS Networks



Conflict in general practice: Why is it on the rise?

Conflict is all around us; it's a normal part of our interaction with other human beings, and many would argue that without constructive handling of conflict, individuals, teams and organisations cannot improve, innovate nor fulfil their true potential.
Thursday, 13 April 2023