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Is conflict between staff and organisations increasing in the health and care system?

1. Yes
87% (65 votes)
2. No
13% (10 votes)
113 members Apply to join Network contact: Maria Axford

Network admin guide

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This guide explains how to use the network administrators toolbox and other features of the site. You can use the toolbox to add new content or new members, publish items, affiliate with other networks and much more. This guide briefly describes what each item does and how to do it.
This guide explains how to use the network administrators toolbox and other features of the site. You can use the toolbox to add new content or new members, publish items, affiliate with other networks and much more. This guide briefly describes what each item does and how to do it. (less...)

Network feed

Import members
To comply with GDPR we have disabled the import members function from the network administrator toolbox.
16:07 - Thu 20 Dec 2018
Add slidepack
All of the slideshows for the Add section are available in this slidepack.
16:44 - Wed 13 Sep 2017
15:49 - Tue 14 Mar 2017
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