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Website maintenance - 9 February
Please note: This site will be closed for website maintenance shortly.
16:01 - Fri 09 Feb 2024
New NHS Networks website
The new NHS Networks website is now live.
10:31 - Mon 24 Apr 2023
Dealing with unhappy or difficult patients
There are many reasons why people are unhappy, difficult, or challenging and this online workshop is designed with front line reception and admin staff in mind.
09:37 - Thu 20 Apr 2023
George Cross to tour the nation
As part of the NHS birthday celebrations, the UK’s highest civilian gallantry medal, the George Cross, awarded to the NHS in England last year by the late Queen will be...
09:36 - Thu 20 Apr 2023
Maternal health and care in London
This report looks at the impact of the pandemic on maternal health and services in London, the impact of staffing shortages, and the inequalities that exist across maternal health outcomes.
09:33 - Thu 20 Apr 2023
The leader as a coach – building stronger teams
Using coaching techniques in the workplace can support effective team management by increasing the motivation and confidence of individuals.
09:57 - Wed 19 Apr 2023
Long COVID - an update for primary care
This BMJ practice pointer, provides an update on treating Long COVID in primary care, outlining how healthcare professionals might respond to questions that patients ask.
09:55 - Wed 19 Apr 2023